Counter under washbasin

We produce counters under washbasins in dimensions [cm]:

  • width (longitudinal): 30 - 295
  • depth (transverse): 30 - 70
  • height of front face and sides: max. 25

The thickness of counters under washbasin is 1.5cm. The impression of robustness supports the production with front and side faces at a height up to max. 25cm, whereupon it is possible to make the coutertop flat, without front and side faces. The counters can be provided with openings for plumbing, waste or in accordance with individual building layouts, the board can be made with cutouts for risers, niches, etc.

 Rear plinth (custom-made, done when required):

Installation of countertops under washbasin:

  • on a cabinet as a part of bathroom furniture
  • on the wall with use of steel brackets
  • on the retaining wall

Colours: white or selection out of colours according to RAL or selection of Granite patterns (choose out of SGA patterns)

To request an individual solution or to place an order click on the button below and send us an electronic form with required product parameters. You can also contact us by email: or by calling 00420 737 783 379.

Custom-made steel consoles, covered with white painting, can be ordered as a component of the order.

The approximate price is given per meter of width of the counter under washbasin.

Marble effect      
Bathroom worktops     ::     Worktops under washbasins     ::     Washing troughts     ::     Shower trays     ::     Washbasins     ::     Sale

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Mramorový efekt

Mramorový efekt s.r.o.

Frýdštejn 145 - Na Barborce
463 42 Frýdštejn
Czech Republic
ID: 287 30 607
VAT: CZ28730607
+420 737 783 379

Londýnská 218/10
460 01 Liberec
